a crazy, delightful ever changing world! Who could have thought that
in 2012 young people in Moscow would put on a "flash mob" happening,
dancing to an 83 year old American song written by a Russian born American Jew (Irving Berlin)?
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36
17 December 2012
14 December 2012
02 December 2012
27 November 2012
26 November 2012
Matthew 6:28-29And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.Siberian Iris from my garden. |
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The verse above speaks to me of how we should trust God in our care. He has all the details of our life worked out. This verse refers to our clothing, but it is everything. "The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9. I'm so grateful that He does direct my steps. Even through the trials and difficulties of life we can trust him for all our needs. Lily from my garden. |
Isaiah 40:8The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. Crocus in spring. |
A "flower" in my life "faded" recently. It was the passing of my father's life into eternal rest in the arms of his Savior. He died November 23rd in the early morning hours while his family surrounded him in love. As the "flower fades," I trust the word of God for this new stage in my life. His wife of 37 years, Diza, also trusts Him for her next steps. Please pray for her as her life changes dramatically with a move from California to Florida. In all things we are trusting and accepting. For this trust, I may mourn the loss but I have joy in my heart. I hope that you trust in such a way that you have joy ever present, despite the circumstances. Iris, also from my summer garden. |
My Dad,
My Take On Things,
The Great Commission
25 November 2012
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A Gleaner Article by Jeff Franks To many of us in the west, the far away Republic of Georgia, nestled amidst the Caucasus mountain ranges by the Black Sea, is a literal "end of the earth". However, such a thought would amaze a Georgian believer, since his ancestors knew Christ long before America was even an explorer's dream. Tradition tells us that Andrew, Thaddeus, and Bartholomew, Jesus' own disciples, had preached the gospel there in the first century. Yet our western "end of the world" would remain unknown to them for the better part of two more millennia. |
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Simple beginnings. Who were those first believers in Georgia? I have no doubt that they knew Jesus by faith and remained true to the scriptural foundations of the gospel. I think they would have fully honored Paul's admonition to the Corinthians: "I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ." I have seen all sorts of medieval and iconographic images of Andrew, but I reject the thought that this Galilean fisherman would have distinguished his appearance by the length of his beard, by fine robes, or other priestly adornment. If he had a halo, it was not likely visible from our side down here. No, Andrew's Georgian converts would have followed our Lord in simplicity, although what records do we have? The power and purity of their faith will remain forever in heaven's annals, where we know that even a glass of water given in Jesus' name is noted. |
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Heaven knows. However, if Georgian believers of the 1st century were like those in Corinth, then they were "not many wise . . . not many mighty, and not many noble". What happened to them over the course of three centuries? Why do historians portray the Christian leaders of 4th century Georgia as wise, mighty and noble, having donned the regalia of high religion, wearing the bishops' crowns, the ornate crosses and the long flowing robes? Or is it just that the attentions of earth's historians are a great deal more galvanized by glitter than by grace? Nevertheless, of the high-church's pomp and polish, of the gold and the grandeur, records abound. But where are the tent-makers, the fishermen, the shop-keepers, and the housewives who followed Jesus and led people to the Lord in the 1st century? Heaven knows! Truly. |
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The awe and wonder of Byzantium. So when in the fourth century the "state church" had not so much altered, but overshadowed the simplicity of the gospel once preached to the common man, King Mirian made Christianity official throughout the land of Georgia (AD 326). The simple truths of "salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone" were eclipsed by the pomp and regalia of Byzantine bishops and priests, ambassadors of Emperor Constantine, who came to endow the Georgian clergy with their "authority" through a multitude of rites and rituals. Later kings and bishops would commission the building of awesome temples which remain as venerated relics to this day. I have seen them and walked in them, and they are truly breath-taking. But did they serve in any meaningful way to bring souls to Jesus Christ in humble repentance and faith? I don't know. |
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A door opened for the gospel. I had not expected the Lord would open a door for my ministry in the Republic of Georgia. In a meeting with the president of the Georgian Baptist Union, who had come to Kyiv, Ukraine in January 1997, I had somewhat awkwardly presented a plan for training church planters. He looked so skeptical that when he invited me to come, I was surprised. "This could only be the grace of God," I thought. First impressions. The charms of vintage Georgia. For me coming to Georgia in 1997 was a special gift, like bumping into an old friend. Everything seemed so vintage and old-worldly enigmatic. The porches on every home charmed me. In the fall families would hang their orange persimmons on strings to dry on the porch. Pomegranates, grape vines, and orchards abounded. Ancient temples adorned mountain tops, preserving memories from centuries past. Above all my new friends in Christ, mostly missionary pastors, showed the kind of love and warmth that made them feel like old friends in no time. What is more, they shared the simplicity of Baptist believers in these parts, a simplicity that in my view is honoring to Christ. |
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Baptist beginnings. The baptism of Nikita Voronin in the Kura River in Tbilisi in 1867 became a historical moment for planting churches through Bible teaching and obedience to Christ. These churches would grow to form a movement of Evangelical Christian Baptists throughout the countries of the former Russian Empire. Now I was meeting with Georgians who had come to faith in these very traditions, men and women who were living by the "faith which comes by hearing" the Word of God. New churches planted. Over the next couple of years I trained 18 missionaries in starting new churches. Church planters often brought their own teams so that in training events our numbers would swell to 30 or more. Certain men were greatly fruitful in planting new churches, and in all of this I sensed God's guiding and blessing hand. Then something strange began to happen. Over the course of about 5 years certain visible changes caused me great alarm and consternation. Key leaders among the Georgian missionaries began to wear priestly garments, headdresses, ornate medallions, and long black robes! Some pastors grew lengthy beards. What in the world was happening? The president of the Baptist Union, Malkhaz Songulashvili, a diligent scholar and dedicated servant of the church, had begun to introduce an Episcopal style of church government. He was highly intelligent, philosophically adept, Oxford educated, a Bible translator, and president of the Georgian Bible Society. He reformed worship by introducing liturgical readings along with priestly garments for bishops and pastors. "Our doctrines remain Baptist," he assured me in a private meeting. I disagreed, saying that his reforms distort the gospel message, which in my view is tantamount to crossing doctrinal boundaries. I do not vilify or judge Archbishop Songulashvili for he stands or falls before our Savior, just as I do. Nevertheless, I felt responsible for BMAA's cooperation and training of their pastors and missionaries, and my conscience would not allow me to support those who had in any heartfelt way adopted these so-called reforms. Parting ways. Having shared our points of disagreement with the missionaries, to avoid inappropriate pressure and give them time to react, we waited several months before ending our mission with them. On that final day we again shared our beliefs and ended the afternoon with a meal of fellowship in which we all prayed together and wished one another well. Those who chose to wear the robes were very polite, expressed their gratitude for the support and training, and went their separate way. A few were in agreement with us, but as guests of the Baptist Union, we felt that our continued formal relationship with them at that time would have been wrongly divisive and inappropriate. Just what was it in our objections that these men could not accept? Three simple truths. First, in my view the wearing of priestly garments in a religiously-minded culture distorts the precious gospel truth that "there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all." (1 Timothy 3:5,6) The common man, not knowing the Bible, immediately sees the beard, the medallions and the robe as signifying a "mediator" before whom he may confess his sins and from whom he may seek both absolution and blessing. The common man on the street needs desperately to know that Jesus Christ alone is our only hope of reconciliation with God. Why come to him wearing a stumbling block from which he may have little or no hope of rising to walk in the name of Jesus? Priestly regalia distorts a second essential truth: all true believers are priests. From the time of Jesus' crucifixion, when God tore the veil of the temple in two from top to bottom, every child of God can "come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16) Dear man of God, when a child of God sees your beard and robe, how can he know in his tattered jeans that he has just as much access to the throne of grace that you do in your vestments? The third truth is a warning: priestly garments can be a seductive temptation to seek honor for oneself. In Luke 20:46 Jesus warned, “Beware of the scribes, who desire to go around in long robes, love greetings in the marketplaces, the best seats in the synagogues, and the best places at feasts." Defensively, one brother replied, "Jesus did not say the robe was wrong. He said the desire for it was wrong." "Exactly," I replied. The uncomfortable silence that followed spoke volumes. A few years passed. Brother Jerry Kidd and I returned to Georgia to speak with those who had remained true to the Baptist traditions I outlined above. Over this time faithful servants of Christ, pastors and missionaries who had been in our trainings, began to come together and associate freely with one another for support. One of the key leaders in this new association of churches was pastor and physician Dr. Levan Akhalmosulishvili, who runs a benevolent medical clinic in eastern Georgia. He served humbly and effectively in unifying faithful men and women in church-planting and in spiritual leadership. Dr. Levan invited me to lead yearly prayer retreats and training seminars for their key pastors and missionaries. Coming alongside. We again offered resources which had been faithfully given to Georgia by our churches. We came alongside them in church planting, providing DCPI training, leadership seminars and prayer retreats. Several times I had the privilege of working with Baptist Medical Missions International under the leadership of Dr. Ralph Izard and Dr. John Ladd. Once, during the Russian invasion of 2008, we were forced to evacuate during a bombing raid on the town of Gori. In short, we continued to come and share their burdens in good times and bad. Now the good news. Today there are 38 churches in the newly formed Baptist Union of Georgia! In October 2012 my wife Coleen and I attended their first international congress in Kvareli. The Georgians had invited Baptist leaders from Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and USA. In addition there were representatives there from other important missions such as Robert Provost from the Slavic Gospel Association, John & Stephen Benham from Music in World Cultures, and several others, including the BMAA, represented by Coleen and me. What a joy! What a gloriously good time we had! Here are the words I spoke to Georgian leaders at the congress: "We in the BMA of America have had the blessed privilege of working with many of you since 1997. We observed you then when you were faced with strong temptations to abandon some key gospel truths, the very foundational principles of your calling and ministry. Instead, you stood strong and refused to compromise the truth. There were others of you who stumbled, but you recovered and found the grace to continue boldly in service to our Savior. Well done! I am touched and moved by your faithfulness. Today we rejoice with you in the formation of your new Baptist Union of Georgia, and we know that the pastors and Churches of the BMA of America will continue to lend our shoulders to yours as you plow, water and reap in the harvest fields. May the kingdom of Christ continue to grow and expand until every man, woman and child in the Republic of Georgia has heard the true gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." The "end" is near. Yes, once America was the "end of the world" to believers in Georgia. But oh, how technology has taken what was "far" and made it "near"! Today, we can have real- time face-to-face conversations with our Georgian friends over Skype and Facebook. The "end" is truly "near" in more ways than one! I would like to bring far-away Georgia even nearer through the photos on these pages. Hopefully you will sense the warmth and history of this lovely place, a unique crossroads between east and west. A place where, if you visit, I think you will discover what I mean about the feel of bumping into an old friend. And if you do, please keep your Georgian brothers and sisters in the focus of your prayers and missions activities. |
19 November 2012
A.J. Jacobs: My Year of Living Biblically
As Christians we so often have our attitudes on how to witness to unbelievers. Sometimes we are trained in this through the church and often we are not. Unfortunately we so often come across with Biblical lingo and ways of talking that the unsaved person simply cannot relate to or understand, much less find purchase in. Too often, because we don't know how to reach someone we tell them to read the Bible. Sometimes we give them a specific book to read, but if there is not something that touches them deep inside, even that may not go very far. Thus is the value of developing ongoing deep relationships with such people so we can gradually bring them along into a love relationship that is characterized by Christ himself.
I'm posting this "Ted Talk" because it was a good reminder of how so many unbelievers think. It helped me to be reminded in how to relate and not relate to them. Here is a man who "Lived Biblically" for one year.....a grand experiment for him. I shake my head to think one could indulge so deeply and not know Christ, yet, it illuminates the need to build relationships with such people. When you shake your head and want to turn it off (as I almost did), don't. This is how so many think and it is important for us to understand them so we can bring them to Christ and his love.
I'm posting this "Ted Talk" because it was a good reminder of how so many unbelievers think. It helped me to be reminded in how to relate and not relate to them. Here is a man who "Lived Biblically" for one year.....a grand experiment for him. I shake my head to think one could indulge so deeply and not know Christ, yet, it illuminates the need to build relationships with such people. When you shake your head and want to turn it off (as I almost did), don't. This is how so many think and it is important for us to understand them so we can bring them to Christ and his love.
09 November 2012
Sunday school in Ukraine. Ministering to the little ones. They sing and learn to pray, but mostly they learn about love. |
Two of the cute little ones learning about God's love. |
The very youngest Sunday school making crafts, their favorite thing to do. |
Some sweet little girls showing off the craft they will take home to mom. Don't you just love that smile? |
05 November 2012
Kvareli Lake, Georgia, Eastern Europe
Last week I had the rare blessing of accompanying my sweet husband Jeff to one of his long term fields of work, being the country of Georgia. He's been working there for 15 years training native pastors and missionaries in starting new churches, but it was my very first time. This was a special event so I was privileged to also be invited. It was the First Annual Congress of Baptist Churches of Georgia. There were pastors and missionaries from all over Georgia as well as men from America and many surrounding countries. For me it was a chance to put names and faces together of people I've heard about for years. We attended two days of meetings and they took us one day on a tour. Jeff was asked to give an address to the meeting, as did several other people. It is always his joy to be there as there are so many brothers that he has come to know and love over the years. Men with whom he's heard their struggles and has been in their homes and churches. Today I am thankful that I had the opportunity to finally see this breath-takingly beautiful country that suffers from poverty, poor infrastructure and the whims of politics. Soon I'll show you more of this lovely country. |
24 October 2012
There is so much we want to pass onto our children, but maybe one of the most important things after salvation is there understanding that this is not our home. This is not where we'll be forever and we shouldn't get too comfortable. Too often even we ourselves get too "at home" in this life. Enjoy this article for an "eternal view." http://thechuppies.com/2011/04/i-dont-want-our-kids-to-feel-at-home/
02 October 2012
This was a very interesting post a fellow American missionary in Ukraine posted on Facebook recently. It speaks about the past of this former Soviet country and the way some still think today:
"Spent time listening to a government official explaining how "community" has fallen apart in Ukraine. Under Soviet days, everyone was watched out for and kept in various forms of community. There were workers unions, the Communist Party, Consomols Party (teenage Communist Party) and Pioneers (grade school equivalent of Boy Scouts). Everyone fit into a part of the community that created the Soviet Union. Today, with no parties or unions, people are left to themselves, lonely, hopeless and generally drunk. With no party or club to tell them what to believe in, there is nothing that unites the people."
When you hear such things it helps me to understand how badly this nation still needs to know Christ. Pray for us as we minister here.
26 September 2012
Two Ukrainians, One American and 11 Russians spent last weekend in Kharkov, Ukraine praying and listening to what God was saying to them through His Word. Jeff, my husband, the American, was richly blessed and greatly encouraged by each and all of them. Please pray for these folks who recently went through the pain of a church split. Jeff is on the far right. |
24 September 2012
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This is a sampling of some fans that went to a group of Texas ladies. One of the ladies had seen what we did with the kids this summer and thought it would be a nice idea for her group. So 25 of these pretties flew off to Texas not long ago. I know it seems late for fans, but things stay hot in Texas a lot longer than in most other places. They all have Bible verses on both sides so they will be a nice witness. And another benefit is that they really work well to blow the heat off your brow. |
23 September 2012
This is a touching bit of history from North Platte, Nebraska. I found it very moving. You will too.
04 September 2012
For those of you who didn't see this on Facebook.....August 26th Jeff had an accident one block from home where he was hit by another driver running a red light. In the U.S. this would be a no-brainer as to fault, but this is not the U.S. Jeff was sited as not yielding to oncoming traffic (we think there was a pay-off from the other driver, common here). Jeff was not hurt other than minor bruising and we praise God that it was only a mini-van and not a semi-truck as so often travel that road. The following was written by Jeff during one of his morning devotional times just a couple days ago:
Devotional Thoughts from my SOAP devotional this morning, based on the following verse:
I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh, who are Israelites. (Romans 9:1-4)
The unfairness of being struck at an intersection by a driver who was running a red light, only afterward to hold in my hands a citation from the militia, which found me at fault for the accident, causes me to see Pauls words in verse 1 in a special light. His subject matter, the salvation of his fellow Jews, was different (and glorious at that!), but whereas before I was enamored with his subject, today, because of these recent events, I am enamored with his passion for truth. I think it is a special, blessed occasion, a moment of true grace, when someone can speak the truth and his concience bears witness in the Holy Spirit of God. Today, I have this grace. I am glad that amidst all the lies surrounding the accident that I can say, "I was partially at fault for failure to anticipate a car running a red light at the intersection." All the while I know that the greater guilt rests on the violator. I am also speaking the truth, and I am not lying, and my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I would pay for this accident and accept guilt ten times over if only it would lead to the violator, Andrey Aleksandrovich Yakimovich, receiving the mercy of God, and coming to repentance, being born again in God's Holy Spirit. Therefore, on September 11, 2012 I go to court with peace in my heart, not worrying about the outcome, and leaving all in God's holy and righteous hands.
I write out my morning devotions (using the S.O.A.P. method), and shared it with Coleen. I didn't intend for it to wind up so public on Facebook. Thank you all for your prayers, for which I am all the more sure that the Father's will will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
Observation, Application, Prayer = SOAP, in case someone doesn't know
this method. You select a passage and ask the Lord to lay one or more
verses on your heart. Then in your journal (or computer) you write the
verses (S), your thoughts (O), what you will do in obedience (A), then
write out your prayer (P). I share this with church planters and with
every person who seriously wants to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Devotional Thoughts from my SOAP devotional this morning, based on the following verse:
I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh, who are Israelites. (Romans 9:1-4)
The unfairness of being struck at an intersection by a driver who was running a red light, only afterward to hold in my hands a citation from the militia, which found me at fault for the accident, causes me to see Pauls words in verse 1 in a special light. His subject matter, the salvation of his fellow Jews, was different (and glorious at that!), but whereas before I was enamored with his subject, today, because of these recent events, I am enamored with his passion for truth. I think it is a special, blessed occasion, a moment of true grace, when someone can speak the truth and his concience bears witness in the Holy Spirit of God. Today, I have this grace. I am glad that amidst all the lies surrounding the accident that I can say, "I was partially at fault for failure to anticipate a car running a red light at the intersection." All the while I know that the greater guilt rests on the violator. I am also speaking the truth, and I am not lying, and my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I would pay for this accident and accept guilt ten times over if only it would lead to the violator, Andrey Aleksandrovich Yakimovich, receiving the mercy of God, and coming to repentance, being born again in God's Holy Spirit. Therefore, on September 11, 2012 I go to court with peace in my heart, not worrying about the outcome, and leaving all in God's holy and righteous hands.
I write out my morning devotions (using the S.O.A.P. method), and shared it with Coleen. I didn't intend for it to wind up so public on Facebook. Thank you all for your prayers, for which I am all the more sure that the Father's will will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
24 August 2012
Pavel (Paul) and Tanya Gerashenko are Ukrainian friends of ours who became missionaries and are now living in Russia working in an enclave of Turkish (Muslim) people. Below is Tanya's letter.
She has started a children's club. I"m sending her craft materials to work with the kids. So happy to be a part in helping this mission effort get started. Please pray for them and their 3 boys. The littlest is there at the table.
Hi sister!
I want to share that today was the first day of the home club for the girls, there were five girls. We have made some very interesting crafts: jewelery made from beads and a rose and candy. I bought gifts for all the colored balls are in the waters swell and become big beautiful balls, and we were talking about a rainbow and how it all started. Noah and God's promise. They first heard the story of Noah. Of course, thank you for some of the parcels, they are very helpful for the club (do crafts). And if you still want to tell you that it for this ministry, I would be very grateful, as there is still a need. Also, please send ideas. I want to carry out twice a week for girls, and twice for the boys. Therefore, ideas and different ornamental material very much needed.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
With love your sister Tanya.
Sending photos.
She has started a children's club. I"m sending her craft materials to work with the kids. So happy to be a part in helping this mission effort get started. Please pray for them and their 3 boys. The littlest is there at the table.
Hi sister!
I want to share that today was the first day of the home club for the girls, there were five girls. We have made some very interesting crafts: jewelery made from beads and a rose and candy. I bought gifts for all the colored balls are in the waters swell and become big beautiful balls, and we were talking about a rainbow and how it all started. Noah and God's promise. They first heard the story of Noah. Of course, thank you for some of the parcels, they are very helpful for the club (do crafts). And if you still want to tell you that it for this ministry, I would be very grateful, as there is still a need. Also, please send ideas. I want to carry out twice a week for girls, and twice for the boys. Therefore, ideas and different ornamental material very much needed.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
With love your sister Tanya.
Sending photos.
Children's Ministry,
Why We Are Here
20 August 2012
My husband, Jeff Franks took this picture. He was part of a team of three who trained these men in Romania this past week. From Little Rock, Arkansas were Larry Barker, the tall guy on the left and our Director, Jerry Kidd in the light shirt, front row middle. The rest are all Romanian pastors and missionaries who were very encouraged from the training. This is what Jeff usually does on his own, but he said it was nice to do it in a team. We love being a part of God's work in training and encouraging men from around the world to expand God's Great Commission.
Not long ago my husband Jeff and I did something we so rarely do. We
took a full day off and away from home. We went to the botanical
gardens in Kyiv (Kiev) where we'd been once in spring and once too many
years ago. In the spring there was a wonderful sculpture art
exhibition. It wasn't wonderful because I loved the art so much as I
was so happy to see something like this going on. There were so many
people walking around the park and enjoying the pieces. The botanical
garden in Kyiv (one of two) is very big with a lake and many different
kinds of gardens. It's too big to explore in one day.
Looking at the city across the river from the gardens to part of the city in the distance.
This church is on the edge of the park. They had a beautiful garden on their grounds as well.
One of the sculptures. Rather Stalinesk, but interesting to see how people's minds work. You can see there are hills in the park too. Come visit and we'll take you there.
Looking at the city across the river from the gardens to part of the city in the distance.
This church is on the edge of the park. They had a beautiful garden on their grounds as well.
My sweetie, Jeff, doing his thing. He loves photography and diligently studies it for a hobby. See his Facebook page for lots of beautiful pics: Jeff Franks Ukraine, to find him. |
01 August 2012
Chris Tomlin: God Of This City from southpacificband on GodTube.
A missionary song if I ever heard one, but it applies to your town too.
17 July 2012
Isn't she a cutie. She liked getting her picture taken.
Beautiful butterflies. Each craft goes home with a Bible verse on it.
Our craft team helpers. Some Americans and some Ukrainians. I thank God for helpers.
The older kids making their CD case craft with a verse and pictures. We had so much fun.
Please pray for our camp this week.
Beautiful butterflies. Each craft goes home with a Bible verse on it.
Our craft team helpers. Some Americans and some Ukrainians. I thank God for helpers.
The older kids making their CD case craft with a verse and pictures. We had so much fun.
Please pray for our camp this week.
Aspects of Missionary Life,
Children's Ministry,
14 July 2012
Please pray for my sweet husband Jeff and all the men who have just completed a new discipleship course at the missions office in Little Rock, Arkansas. I am so thankful for Skype as we can communicate everyday. He expressed his enthusiasm for what he just went through and expects to put it into action in Ukraine, and beyond as he trains men. Please also pray for his safe travel home on Monday to arrive on Tuesday. It is a long trip.
05 July 2012
This week is fun for families at the Belichi Bible Church tent camp. They are located in a beautiful thick pine forest just north of a small lake about an hour away from the capital, Kiev. Dan and Cindy Williams (first pic) of Antioch Baptist Church, Conway, Arkansas, have come from Conway as they do every summer to teach Bible and English. They are such a blessing to the camp and we are so grateful for all the people that help make it possible for them to come. The next picture is my sweet husband, Jeff who goes out and participates with the camp each year too. That's his quarters for camping. The last picture is the mess tent, sewn by one of the Ukrainian ladies. This is not only where they eat, but where they view evangelical films each night. Please be in prayer this week for those who will trust in God for salvation.
02 July 2012
01 July 2012
Last Tuesday I met with these ladies to do cards. We rotate from working to set up their prayer journals and cards. They are almost done with their journals. This past week we did cards and you can see they are doing very well. Go to my other blog (click side panel) to see more of their cards. I am very grateful to the ladies who send me supplies that we cannot buy in Ukraine. When I put out something new I get lots of ohhhs and ahhhs and they get so excited. It is truly a joy for me. Bless your heart for those of you who contribute. I couldn't do it without you. Love & Hugs, Coleen
18 June 2012
Meet Ukrainian missionaries Pasha and Tanya Gerashenko. We've known them for many years so we understand their hearts. They have three young boys and surrendered to missions some years back. They left their home country of Ukraine, their families and friends to serve the Lord in western Russia among Turkish people there. They were back in Ukraine for a visit in April and we got to spend some time with them and catch up on their lives in Russia. They are living and working right alongside the Turkish people. They have asked for prayer as they adapt to life there. Please remember this bright, gregarious couple and hold them up before the thrown of Heaven.
Ray Comfort is outstanding in his interviews with young people. Watch and share further.
17 June 2012
09 June 2012
07 June 2012
Human trafficking in Kiev, Ukraine will run rampant
at the
Euro 2012 soccer tournament June 8 - July 1. ReachGlobal's team in
Kiev is calling for people to pray against this evil and take part in
fighting it.
When people come to watch and cheer for the sporting events
many come expecting to buy sex and participate in the sex trade. In the past
decade more than 400,000 women and children have been sold.
Would you pray for a Spirit of hope and freedom and an
aggressive proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are enslaved
and those who are ensla
ving. Ask that Christ would be glorified in these days and
the days to come.
Click below to watch and please pray.http://vimeo.com/43569948
04 June 2012
Ukrainian Folk Music
24 May 2012
Young Women's Retreat
I had the privilege of being invited by another missionary, Carol Laughlin, to speak with this group of young women. They came from various places in our region. They had a lot of fun over the weekend. Most were young married women, some with children. Carol and I got to share about family traditions. It is such an important issue for young families to develop this idea of traditions so they actively took note. The little guy below was one of their decorations.
09 May 2012
A drama group of young people from another church performed a play with a strong evangelistic message. It's one of the things I appreciate about the churches here is that they share their talents with surrounding churches. Our adult choir has done the same by performing in other churches. We just never know how the Lord can use people to share His message.
01 May 2012
20 April 2012
Most churches in Ukraine do not have an indoor baptismal pool. Therefore, most baptisms are done altogether in the a lake in the summer time. Our church in Bucha is blessed to have a pool so in March a church from a neighboring town, Irpen, came to have their baptismal services with us. It was such a blessing to be a part of this time and with so many people. And, the church looked so beautiful.
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